I tried to post the following last night but the connection here at the hotel was for crap -
"A long day in the convention center here in Anaheim, all of it spent waiting for two chairs, a table , and a podium. We got them about 7 tonight. Walked all over the convention floor while waiting, and took a lot of pictures. I'll try and sort the majority out later and put just the real stand outs up right now. High winds when we finally left the building (see flickr), we went to the hotel, grabbed a car and made for a local sushi joint, Tokyo Love! Wonderful place, great staff and equally great food. We ate way to much sushi. So far I think the product of the show might just be the "Guitar Hero" (a video game for those without children or gamers) controllers from Peavy. Show opens tomorrow more then."
Today was the first day of the show and traffic was light, I wish I could say the same for the guy at Ilio demoing the new piano synth, most everyone on that is ready to kill him. Went to Angelo's and Vinci's tonight, a NAMM tradtion now, good service, great food and a lot of fun. The some of the Waves guys went with (and they paid) and we all ate too much, drank wine, and had good time. MOre tomorrow I hope but this paying for internet is starting to hurt so no promises.