Monday, July 16, 2007

Mmm, mmm zombies!

The end is coming! Whether by flood, fire, nuke, microscopic bug, alien invasion, or zombie the a-pocky-calypse is on the way! Are you prepared to fight off cannibal corpses? war lords run rampant? over zealous shoppers looking for toilet paper and milk before the nuke-u-lur winter sets in? Popular Mechanics magazine has a cover story on surviving disasters, and even Dragon Con has a track with panel talks, guests and who knows what else about the end times. We've all seen it countless times in movies, on TV and in books, things can't last forever, and they never end good. I just finished Richard Matheson's story "I am Legend" about the last living man on earth , and he wasn't alone. What a cool story, the Charlton Heston movie "Omega Man" didn't do it justice (I still liked the movie). Vincent Price did a version as well, and later this year Will Smith will put his spin on Robert Neville, last living man on earth. Another in the line of Romero remakes, "Day of the Dead" will come out sometime in the not too distant future starring Ving Rhames, looks like he might be just the guy to know when it comes to making the dead deader still. Not too long ago the History channel had a special that featured multiple ways for the old home planet to cease and desist that ranged from asteriods, to killer germs, to of all things some type of particle accelerator. Any way you cut it man we're DOOMED!

So stock up on ammo and MRE's and I'll see you at the rally point!


overtly trite said...

have you boys decided on the rally point? D won't tell me I guess I should take the hint :)

Randall said...

Rally point at Ben & Jerry's. We'll have to eat all that ice cream before it melts. It will also lower our body temperatures so the zombies won't sense us right away.

overtly trite said...

it took me 4 stores to finally find that copy of popular mechanics! everyone must be preparing for the upcoming zombie war..