Monday, June 4, 2007

I'm just an odd bird...

I say this because I had a weekend pass to AdventureCon, (a science fiction and Autograph convention that happens here in Knoxville each summer) and I am a big SciFi/Horror/Genre...ummm.. whatever "geek" or "nerd" name is being applied to the social group I belong to is in vogue right now, but I found myself bored. I got in for free, and they had a lot of things I'm interested in, but I was BORED, BORED, BORED. That's not saying I didn't have some fun and I did buy a limited edition "Hellboy in front of the Sunshere" print, I just couldn't get into it, I think I somehow felt...OMFG... old wow did I just say that? That's the only way I can describe it, I felt disconnected, or maybe without a purpose would be a better way to put it. Maybe the lack of enthusiasm just sort of fed on itself, and it just seemed to carry over to what I was doing outside the convention.

On a brighter note I saw "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" tonight and it was really good, a bit slow sometimes, and definitely darker, but all in all really good. Now I just need to see "28 Weeks Later" and "Spiderman 3" to complete my summer sequel viewing I think.


Anna said...

I can understand how you're feeling - that, I think, is partly why Jim and I are trying to figure out if we really want to go to D*Con this year - hopefully we'll decide this week. There's nothing we really want to see other than spend a bit of time with our friends, which for the most part, we can do here.
Hope you weren't up too late last night!

rexpete said...

I Think it was more that my friends weren't there to enjoy things with, this type of event is sort of a communal thing. The sort of odd outside feeling was brought on byh not having anyone to share with, and just hearing those celebs in particular was not something I was into.